
Kelp is one of the most sustainable crops on the planet.

Organic graphic icon of algee seaweed kelp
seafood graphic icon of algee seaweed kelp
Energy graphic icon of algee seaweed kelp
Nature graphic icon of algee seaweed kelp
Seafood graphic icon of algee seaweed kelp
Environmental eco-friendly graphic icon of algee seaweed kelp

Low impact

Wild harvesting of seaweed generally has minimal impact on marine ecosystems. Seaweed grows abundantly in many coastal areas and can regenerate quickly after harvesting.

No fertilisers or pesticides

Unlike land-based agriculture, seaweed farming does not require chemical inputs. This reduces pollution and environmental degradation.

No land degradation

Traditional agriculture can lead to soil degradation, deforestation, and habitat loss. Seaweed harvesting avoids these issues by utilising the ocean as a resource.